The Japanese Bullet Train seen in the film Bullet Train, which is based on the novel by Ktar Isaka, travels swiftly between Tokyo and Morioka with minimal stops.

The killers must struggle against one another for survival on their way to discovering the realities that lie in wait for them at their destination. 

There is, indeed! On March 2, 2022, the first official Bullet Train trailer was made available.  On June 7, a second trailer of bullet train featuring a clearer look at the characters was made available.

One of the assassins aboard the titular bullet train, Ladybug, is portrayed by Brad Pitt in the major role in the Bullet Train.

The John Wick franchise comes to mind while reading the plot, which looks to promise a lot of harsh and unrelenting action. It will be fascinating to see what the final rating of the movie is.

There is little possibility that Sony will want to try for a PG-13 rating in order to include younger people in the turmoil, even if an R-rating seems to be a foregone conclusion given

All of Leitch’s films have had a R classification, it’s possible that Sony may want to try for a PG-13 rating in order to draw in younger viewers as well.

This movie is excellent. It gives you the impression that you are travelling on a bullet train in Japan.