The “Alex Jones Show,” a nationally syndicated radio talk show that he hosts out of Austin, Texas, is the best-known program on which Alex Jones.
With a $40 million fortune, conspiracy theorist and far-right political fanatic Alex Jones are an American. At his defamation trial in August 2022, Jones asserted that his net worth was no more than $5 million.
He started his career in Austin working on a public access TV program with live call-ins before switching to radio in 1996 and anchoring a program on KJFK called “The Final Edition.”
Jones ran as a Republican for Texas House District 48 State Representative in 2000. He stated that he was participating in the race to “be a watchdog from the inside,” but he later dropped out.
In 1998, Alex produced “America: Destroyed by Design,” the first of about 20 documentaries he has since made.
Jones was raised in the Rockwell neighborhood of Dallas, Texas, where he was born on February 11, 1974. Later, he was brought up in Austin. His mother stays at home, and his father works as a dentist.
From 2007 to 2015, Alex and Kelly Jones were wed. They are parents of three kids. Due to her ex-odd husband’s conduct, Kelly Jones requested sole custody of their children in 2017.