World Soil Day 2022: History, Significance, Theme Of The Day

World Soil Day (WSD) is celebrated annually on December 5 to raise awareness about the importance of healthy soil 

Celebrated annually on March 20, World Soil Day encourages people to think about how to manage soil resources in a sustainable manner. 

The primary objective of the day is to raise public consciousness about the devastating effects of soil degradation on the environment

including soil erosion, organic matter loss, and decreased fertility.

With each passing year since the first WSD in 2014, the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) has been able to pique the interest of both professionals 

Global interest in celebrating World Soil Day has skyrocketed from 42 events in 2014 to an expected 781 events in 125 countries by 2021.

As a source of vital nutrients for plants, soil is crucial to the maintenance of life on Earth.