Gotti, whose real name is Mario Sentell Giden Mims, was born in Memphis, Tennessee, on May 19, 1981. Yo Gotti grew up in a violent neighborhood

Gotti started smoking, drinking, and stealing at a young age but changed his emphasis when he realized that his current course would only get him arrested.

Yo Gotti began putting out records under his new identity between 2000 and 2006. The albums were “Back 2 da Basics,” “Self-Explanatory,” “Da Rap Game

Yo Gotti stated his seventh studio album, titled “I Am,” will be released in November of that year after beginning a new distribution agreement with Epic Records at the beginning of the year.

“Live From The Kitchen,” “5 Star,” the album’s lead song, reached its highest point of 79 on the Hot 100 and 11 on the US Rap charts. In its first week of release, the album sold 16,000 copies

He was raised in Memphis’ Frayser neighborhood’s Ridgecrest Apartments. His father was a Zimbabwean fitness instructor, while his mother was of South African descent.

The American rapper later married Jammie Moses after divorcing Lakeisha Mims. Three kids were born to Gotti and Moses.