Well the winter season is here and all are getting ready to follow proper diet plans along with their warm clothes and blankets. It is important to keep you warm from outside by wearing warm clothes but isn’t it important to build up your immunity in order to avoid conditions like skin dryness for arthritis? So here are the top 10 super foods which are made for the winter season. If you want to maintain good health and also not get your skin and health affected because of the cold winter winds then these are the top 10 foods that you must have this winter season without fail.
Gooseberry: The Indian gooseberry also famously known as amla is something that you should pack up for this winter. And help you to boost immunity and to have a good dose of vitamin c as it helps to keep infections far away from your body. May it be a chutney or amla juice but it is something that you should only have in winters.

Millets: millets are known to be high in fiber and are also a pack of vitamins and nutrients that is essential for your body. It is low-glycemic and is loaded with dietary fiber which is known to help with conditions like anxiety and insomnia too. Also if you want to have a dense and frizz free hair then it is something that is going to be a huge support system during the winters.

Mustard leaves: also famously known as Sarson Ka saag is a very famous Indian dish that goes well with makke ki roti.

Sesame seeds: It heats up your body and also is loaded with calcium that benefits you with major maintenance of bone health.

Cruciferous veggies: vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower are known to have high beneficial antioxidants and fiber and it. It has a lot to fight against the winter illness and it is also rich in vitamin C. You can also bring your blood sugar in control and can fight digestive problems because of the vitamins and minerals content in it.
Walnuts and almonds: these nuts help and lower the bad cholesterol as well as to bring your blood sugar levels under control. In winters it is a great way to fulfill your craving for a light snack and also it keeps your heart and mind healthy.

Honey: this superfood will be a good substitute for sugar and also has numerous health benefits. The main benefit is that honey can keep you really energetic and fit during the lazy winter days and we can have a good cup of honey with Ginger and lemon in your tea to fight sore throat and other infections.

Ghee: It is a must to cook your meals with pure ghee especially in winters. Not only does it have good healthy fats content but it is also a good source of minerals especially when mixed with Dal or rice.
Citrus fruits: You can enjoy delicious citrus fruits like oranges and lemons in the winter months especially when the flu starts. It is a good source of vitamin C and helps to protect the body from pathogens easily.

Leafy vegetables: It is good to have a pack of antioxidants. We are having green leafy vegetables added to your meals in the winter. It is a good win for the partner as it boosts your immunity and also is most readily available in the market.