The protagonist of Brand New Cherry Flavor, a Netflix limited series, throws up a live cat in practically every one of its eight episodes.
Knowing all of this before watching the Brand New Cherry Flavor is crucial because Brand New Cherry Flavor has even more outrageous plans in store.
The first episode spends a good deal of time discussing the effort required to stand out in Hollywood: parties, meetings, and chats over drinks
To focus only on Brand New Cherry Flavor is overtly obvious influences would be to underestimate this occult horror-noir from Channel Zero creators Nick Antosca and Lenore Zion.
Despite the streaming era’s seemingly limitless possibilities, I struggle to recall the last time I saw something this fucking disgusting.
Brand New Cherry Flavor clings to you after the initial shock of disgust. A dark vengeance drama about a lady who wants to exact revenge on the wealthy man
In Brand New Cherry Flavor It actually depends on your tolerance for unusual bodily fluids, animal torture, and strange food concoctions