Paytm, which is the digital payment app, launched its great initial public offering IPO on Monday. The company, which is led by Vijay Shekhar Sharma is currently planning to raise a whopping amount of Rs 18,300 crore from its maiden offer. One97 communications, which is Paytm’s parent company, is India’s leading digital ecosystem for consumers and merchants. It has played a major role in India’s cashless economy which has happened in the last few years. And so far Paytm IPO is the largest public offering in India.
Well, it can be said that the jitters were natural and India’s food delivery giant Zomato stepped forward to cheer for Paytm. Zomato has already been there and has done that with the much-hyped IPO that happened in September, so in its trademark way Zomato casually sent the wishes to Paytm. Zomato made a tweet that reads, “if you need some Dahi shakkar for good luck, ice cream for the stress, or some sweets for celebrations (wink wink), we are here right here.”
And of course, Paytm had to respond to the sweet tweet of zomato. Paytm responded warmly along with a picture of Zomato as delivery executive sonu who is grinning ear to ear. If you don’t know about the famous Zomato executive Sonu, letters inform you that Sonu had gone viral for a tik tok video in which he can be seen expressing satisfaction at earning rupees 350 after working for 12 hours each day. As he went viral Zomato also changed their profile picture to Sonu beaming face along with a hilarious expression. So along with the photo Paytm replied, “thank you Zomato, dil khush kar diya.”
Well, this conversation between the companies was loved by the netizens, as the tweets have gained many likes. A user commented jokingly, “It’s a promotion for Zomato or Paytm? We are confuzzed…” While the other one commented, “Dear Zomato, I could see that, if we got allotment and got prft in Paytm IPO, we would order something from Zomato to celebrate, and triple satisfaction will be happened from Zomato, Paytm, and us.
Not only Zomato other brands also joined the friendly banter and also the celebratory mood. BigBasket, which is a Tata enterprise also congratulated Paytm as BigBasket made a tweet that reads, “dear Paytm, we wish you a basket full of luck and blessings.”
IPL teams such as Delhi Capitals and Punjab Kings also tweet their congratulatory retreat through their signature moves.
Punjab Kings tweeted, “many congratulations @Paytm! May you step out of your crease and smash it out of the park”, to which Paytm replied, “#Saddapyaar is for you. Thank you @PunjabKingsIPL”
While on the other hand, Delhi capitals made a tweet, “may your run rate be off the charts dear @Paytm! congratulations from the entire Delhi Capitals family.” And to which Paytm replied, “Dil Se thank you.”
From November 1 to November 3, Paytm IPO will be open for subscription and the price band has been fixed at Rs. 2080 to 2150 per share. For the qualified institutional buyers, the company will set aside 75% of the offer and for the non-institutional investors, 15% of the offer will be set aside and the remaining 10% is for the retail investors. Recently Zomato founder Deepinder Goyal’s tweet on stress eating on the day of the food delivery apps IPU worth rupees 9375 crores, and had also received support from many netizens. Deepinder Goyal said, “Just ordered a triple breakfast @Zomato. Stress eating.”