The year 2021 has rarely been a roller coaster ride for many of us and still, we have been trying to face the covid-19 pandemic. Putting as much effort as we can to fight the virus this year, there have been some amazing things known to us too. 2021 is a year full of facts and new things that have become a part of our normal life now. By working from home as much as we can to avoid visiting any tourist place or public place, we have been doing so many things that we have not done ever before. So here are the facts about a new normal life that we all must now know.
Remote working increases working hours: Well many might think that working from home will decrease working hours and there will be no head of the department or boss to keep watch on us. But the truth is that working from home requires you to build more trust among your co-workers and thus you might have to work more. Also, work from home employees tends to work more than employees who work on-site or in the offices as it is a tendency that offices assign employees more assignments when they work remotely. Another truth is that employees tend to work as per their choice when they work from home and then they try fitting their work in their lifestyle which can mess up their working as leading to more pending work and long working hours.

The medium time spent on the internet is around 240 minutes from the past few months: well as now everything is conducted online, that is, online schooling and working from home is all done only with the help of the internet, it was known that during the first lockdown period more than 40% of men and 35% of women use the internet for around 4 hours every single day. Young adults were online for around 6 hours a day on average.

Lockdown can cause mental health problems: Well many cases of people suffering from anxiety and depression came up in the past few months and it was known that most women were affected easily due to the lockdown. Around 54% of young women suffered from depression during the first lockdown period and it caused severe mental illness among many.

Cooking can be easy: Another amazing fact that the year 2021 has taught us is that cooking can also be easy. As many restaurants and hotels were closed for so many days this year people started cooking at home especially the young adults and even found it easy to do. As there are so many easy recipes found online and many cooking blogs have also posted special recipes for fighting the coronavirus pandemic, the fact that more than 60% of young adults have started cooking at home is mesmerizing.