Money Heist is one of the most viewed Netflix shows and has a very high following. Being so, insanely popular the show has so many facts to know about that every time tends to surprise its fans. So we have collected the best among all the facts about the show which are all through and gives you some special information about your favorite shows, the production and team. So if you are one of the fans of this popular series then do give a look at the list below!
- The show was about to fail but Netflix came for the rescue!
Well, it is a very known fact that the series and its first season initially premiered in Spain with the name la casa de Papel. The first episode of the series got 4.5 million views on the Spanish channel antenna 3 and the makers were pretty much happy with it. But as the series went on the views decreased and the creators and the entire cast thought that the series was going to be a huge flop. Well, Netflix came to the rescue at the right time and it added the series to its list by the title in it as Money Heist is in the United States. The subscribers and views have kept increasing ever since and the unpredictable East drama became one of the best works found in Netflix.

- Neymar and Stephen King love the show!
Well, the series surely has a huge fan following now and people are really crazy behind it. As the show was gaining more popularity more celebrities started owning their own red jumpsuits and Salvador Dali masks. But the two names that came to highlight regarding being a fan of the show included the famous horror writer Stephen King and the most talented Brazilian soccer player Neymar da Silva Santos Junior. Neymar also made an appearance in the show as a monk in season 2 part 3.
- Tokyo- the first city!
In the script of the show, Tokyo was the very first city which got mentioned. When Alex Pina arrived wearing a t-shirt with Tokyo written on it, that was the moment the character’s name was finally finalized. Pina wore the t-shirt during one of the early script meetings and the name was finalized. The other names like Berlin, Moscow, Denver, and all the others followed in the next 15 minutes.
- The script
Most of the shows are initially first written and then the shooting begins. But for Money Heist, the scenario is different. The show is all scripted during the shoot and both the cast as well as the crew have absolutely no idea about what is going to happen before it sir. So they don’t even know about the next day’s script. With only a little time to rehearse the actors do their best and send mock videos on their phones to explain the camera movements simultaneously.
- The show’s name
Well logically if the title La casa de papel was translated directly to English from Spanish then the show’s name would have been The house of paper. Thus many people till today think that the show Money Heist and la casa de papel are two completely different shows. But the truth and the logic behind the title of the show being Money Heist is that the characters are in a heist where they steal money from the Royal mint. Thus the show makers and the team decided to go with this name rather than translating the Spanish show’s name.