As coronavirus has made its way all around the globe there have been so many cases and deaths occurring in the past few months. Some countries really found it difficult to deal with the pandemic situation in the beginning and also many have been economically damaged due to the coronavirus. However, all of the countries imposed a lockdown whenever it was required and applied several strategies to beat the virus and simultaneously to have the public live their life smoothly too. Some of the strategies and restrictions imposed by different governments did not work out where some countries came up with amazing plans to deal with the virus and to decrease the death cases in their regions. Now many countries have rapidly rolled out the covid-19 vaccine two deal with the increasing cases of the virus but there have been some countries that managed to decrease the cases even before the vaccine was out. Here are the best top countries who handle coronavirus amazingly:
New Zealand: It was one of those countries that were very quick to stop the spread of the virus and they responded to the outbreak quickly too. New Zealand, in January 2020 set up the National health coordination center to fight the virus, and on 30 January 2020, they issued infections and notifiable disease orders too. New Zealand was also very quick to impose travel restrictions and they were also swift to announce the full National land down on 26th March 2020 itself. The approach for eliminating the disease was very much impressive which left them hardly affected by the virus. The country was also Swift to respond to new upcoming cases and in November there was only one student who was infected due to the covid-19.

Taiwan: When it comes to covid-19 cases Taiwan has been aggressively fighting the pandemic for sure. Many actions taken by Taiwan have been really impressive and they had great results too. Taiwan from the past few months showed great monitoring ability over the covid-19 cases and although it recently imposed restrictions on incoming travel still it did well in keeping the cases and that’s to a minimum. During the outbreak of the coronavirus the government used contact tracing and mobile sim tracking in order to keep track of people knowing in Quarantine and to check whether they are really following the rules or not.

South Korea: When the news of covid-19 not showing symptoms in some people was out South Korea was one of the best countries who tested people quickly. It is true that many people don’t show symptoms of having covid-19 and when South Korea came to know about it the government aggressively took major steps to conduct twice the stress that they were doing before. Also South Korea followed off with effective contact tracing and current time which kept the cases under control making it one of the less affected places during the covid-19.

Mauritius: The very first case of covid-19 was detected on 18th March 2020 in Mauritius and the government immediately blocked the borders the following day. The Mauritius government imposed a curfew within a few days and during the beginning of the pandemic, the public was allowed to shop only twice. They also implemented an efficient contact tracing system with which the spread of the virus was completely decreased on the island and the government took feedback from the public via mechanisms installed. In this way, they pulled off some of the best prevention plans that the world saw