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HomeTrending NewsWorld ozone day 2021: know the significance and more about Montreal protocol

World ozone day 2021: know the significance and more about Montreal protocol

September 16 is observed as the international day for the preservation of the ozone layer or we can say that September 16 is observed as the world ozone day. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed September 16th as the international day for the preservation of the ozone layer in 1994 and commemorated the date of the signing in 1987, for the Montreal protocol on the reasons that deplete the ozone layer. The designation was made on December 19, 2000.

You may all know what the ozone layer means, and according to the United Nations ozone layer is a fragile shield of gas that protects the earth from the harsh and harmful rays of the sun thus preserving life on the planet. But some of them may not have any idea what a Montreal protocol is? Well for your information this Montreal protocol was started as a global agreement for the protection of the ozone layer. For a Swift action to save the ozone layer globally 46 Nations around the globe signed the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer and also vowed to phase out such chemicals in 1987 which was actually within two years when the nature article on the hole of the ozone layer was published. 

Talking about the evolution of the Montreal protocol, it has a great amendment which is known as the Kigali Amendment which mandates the countries to limit the use of hydrofluorocarbons in refrigerators and air conditioners, and thus it has to be reduced more than 80% by 2047. Initially, hydrofluorocarbons were used as an alternative for hydrochlorofluorocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons. The technologies are now potentially replacing hydrofluorocarbons and the air conditioners and refrigerators are designed to use less energy and allowed the cold chain efficiencies without increasing the climate consequences

Surely the Kigali amendment helps to make the Montreal protocol a former table tool in the war against global warming and by the end of the century, this amendment’s influence is estimated for the prevention of a 0.5°C rise in global temperature.

The farmers and pharmaceutical companies are now accessible to precooling refrigerated storage and refrigerated transportation so that they can ensure that products like food and vaccinations reach people in safe and effective conditions and as the global framework fosters innovation in such cool chains. 

On this world ozone day, the UNs page reads that, “United global effort to phase out ozone-depleting substances means that today the hole in the ozone layer is healing, in turn, protecting human health, economics, and ecosystem. But as this year’s World Ozone day seeks to highlight, the Montreal protocol does so much more such as slowing climate change and helping to boost energy efficiency in the cooling sector which contributes to food security.”

Talking about the objective, the main objective of the Montreal protocol was actually to take measures so that they can control the total global production and consumption of substances that are the cause of the depletion of the ozone layer with the ultimate goal of their elimination based on development in scientific knowledge and technological information. 

And according to the United Nations, the Montreal protocol implementation has progressed well till now and it is developed and is also developing in certain countries. Talking about the theme of this year, the theme for 2021 for world ozone day is- Montreal protocol- keeping us, our food, and vaccines cool.

And not forgetting about this, many people are nowadays taking initiatives to reduce the depletion in ozone layer like minimizing the use of cars, using organic products and buying eco-friendly products, planting more trees, recycling, etc.

Sneha Sivakumar
Sneha Sivakumar
I am Sneha Sivakumar, a writer who fell in love with Creative Writing, and loves to provide entertaining articles about famous personalities.


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